Corsica: what to do, what to see...



Mathilde Cureau sur Unsplash
© Mathilde Cureau sur Unsplash

Reading time: 0 minPublished on 25 April 2023

It’s described as a place apart, unique, with a thousand different facets, radiant and full of surprises. From north to south, Corsica is the island of beauty, with an enormous diversity of stunning landscapes, nature activities, paradise beaches, heritage and rich tradition. You want even more? 


• The city of Ajaccio and the Bonaparte family home Museum • Bonifacio and Porto-Vecchio • Bastia city centre • The sheer gorge and granite spiers of the Inzecca • The Lavezzi archipelago of granite islands • The beach at Palombaggia • La Balagne, Calvi and l'Île-Rousse • The Scandola nature reserve and the rocky creeks of Piana • Castagniccia, Morosaglia and Corte • Cap Corse


• Challenge yourself on the legendary GR 20 long-distance path • Have the still-sunny beaches of October all to yourself
• Be intoxicated by the immortelle oil fragrance of Corsica  • Meditate in the wilderness of the Désert des Agriates • Dive deep into the aquatic wildlife of the Cerbicale Islands • Taste the produce of the Corsican terroir at a farmers's market • Chill at the Calvi on the Rocks festival • Feast on sea urchins and their coral at an oursinade • Choose between the 9 Corsican appellations to discover a unique vineyard • Throw yourself into the Bains de Caldane thermal spa pools


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