Enjoy some truly extraordinary experiences through the eyes of an underwater photographer


MayotteNature and Outdoor ActivitiesCoastal

L'hétérocongre vit dans les eaux chaudes autour de Mayotte
© Gabriel BARATHIEU - L'hétérocongre vit dans les eaux chaudes autour de Mayotte

Reading time: 0 minPublished on 17 October 2023, updated on 15 April 2024

Thanks to the exceptional biodiversity of the Mayotte Lagoon, one of the most beautiful in the world, Gabriel Barathieu is able to take photographs of an incredible variety of underwater flora and fauna – all the more so because manta rays, marine turtles and dolphins inhabit these waters all year round.

Poisson-clown mouffette
© Gabriel Barathieu - Poisson-clown mouffette

Skunk clownfish

Détail d’un calamar en plongée de nuit
© Gabriel Barathieu - Détail d’un calamar en plongée de nuit

Detail from a squid taken during a night dive

Les dents acérées d'un baliste strié
© Gabriel Barathieu - Les dents acérées d'un baliste strié

Focus on the teeth of a striped triggerfish. It was hidden in a hole and was unable to get out. I took the opportunity to take a close-up of its mouth.

Un uranoscope enfoui sous le sable
© Gabriel Barathieu - Un uranoscope enfoui sous le sable

An Atlantic stargazer, a fish straight out of a horror film. It hides in the sand and waits for its prey to pass before gobbling it all up!

Un corail mou dans les eaux de Mayotte
© Gabriel Barathieu - Un corail mou dans les eaux de Mayotte

Detail of a soft coral taken on a night dive.

Une crevette de Thor dans le lagon de Mayotte
© Gabriel Barathieu - Une crevette de Thor dans le lagon de Mayotte

A tiny little Thor shrimp 'dancing' on its anenome. Photo taken in the Mayotte lagoon, opposite the village of Bouéni, at a depth of 20 metres.

Une murène javanaise dans la passe Sada à Mayotte
© Gabriel Barathieu - Une murène javanaise dans la passe Sada à Mayotte

A Javanese moray eel in a fault of the Sada pass in Mayotte. The Javanese is one of the biggest moray eels. Some can be up to 2.5m long and about 35cm in diameter.

Le crabe arlequin vit sur l'holoturie
© Gabriel Barathieu - Le crabe arlequin vit sur l'holoturie

Little harlequin crab and the sea cucumber. This is a symbiotic relationship between two animals.

Une tortue sous l'eau rougeoyante du lagon
© Gabriel Barathieu - Une tortue sous l'eau rougeoyante du lagon

Photo of a turtle half in the air, half in the water just after sunset. The colours of the sky are still warm and vibrant. The turtle surfaces to take in air, giving me a unique chance to take this hard-to-get shot.

Un poisson-clown dans les eaux de Mayotte
© Gabriel Barathieu - Un poisson-clown dans les eaux de Mayotte

Yellow clownfish in a blue sea Amphiprion latifasciatus anemone. It was first time I'd seen a blue anemone in the S pass in Mayotte.

Une murène léopard
© Gabriel Barathieu - Une murène léopard

A gorgeous leopard moray eel by its sponge.

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By Gabriel Barathieu

Professional underwater photographer <strong>Gabriel Barathieu</strong> photographs the treasures in the watery depths of Mayotte.